Döhr, Markus ICC-H wrote:
> I wanted to say that I need to fiddle with lots of option in both cases
> /usr/sadm/bin/sm* and useradd. I'm thinking of something like...

What is stopping you from writing such a tool?  Perhaps somebody would be
willing to write it for a bounty?

> ┌ ===    Accounts for Users and Groups (lvcapt) (1)        ┐
> │File List View Options Actions                       Help │
> │                       Press CTRL-K for keyboard help.    │
> │Template In Use: None                                     │
> │Filtering:  Displaying all users                          │
> │───────────────────────────────────────────────────│
> │Users                                                     │
> │───────────────────────────────────────────────────│
> │  Login      User ID                                      │
> │  Name         (UID)   Real Name                          │
> │┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────│
> ││ adm              4                                      │
> ││ bin              2                                      │
> ││ daemon           1                                      │
> ││ doehrm        1002                                      │
> ││ hpdb            27   ALLBASE                            │
> ││ lp               9                                      │
> ││ mysql          102                                      │
> ││ nobody          -2                                      │
> ││ nuucp           11                                      │
> ││ root             0                                      │
> │ <─────────────────────────────────────────────────│
> │                                                          │
> └──────────────────────────────────────────────── ───┘
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