On Sat, 2005-09-03 at 21:55, Felix Schulte wrote:
> On 9/4/05, James Dickens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > some day i will remember to click reply all not just reply  :-)
> Blame the list admin. The lists here are configured the wrong way.

"Wrong" is far too strong a word to use here.  There is nothing even
remotely resembling consensus on this issue within the internet mailing
list community.

Most mailing lists since the dawn of the internet have generally *not*
set reply-to: list, which means that most subscribers have the
expectation that using the "reply" command will create a message to just
the submitter, and the "reply to all" command will send to everyone on
the to: and cc: list of the original message.

The net result is that it is common for "private" replies to wind up
going to the list by mistake when the list, or a "helpful" member, sets
the reply-to: header to point to the list's submission address.

There are a newly-defined set of List-* headers which may allow for the
creation of a "reply to list" command in mail readers but getting
features out into the installed base of mail readers is hard.

                                                - Bill
(P.S., mailman has other optional misfeatures worthy of note; see
"nodupes considered harmful",

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