On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Sven Luther wrote:

> Debian GNU/OpenSolaris, as it would be called, having a OpenSolaris kernel and
> a GNU userland is not concerned by the GPL incompatibility of the CDDL, but
> solely on the non-freeness of the CDDL, which seems to involve right now the
> controversial choice-of-venue clause. At least if you want that effort to be
> part of debian, and not create your own thing apart from it.
> Now, my opinion is that the choice-of-venue clause problem should be cut in
> two, and leave the choice-of-venue to the defendant, as seems to be the
> default in international contract law, but it would be nice to have real legal

What is the problem with the choice of venure clause?  I honestly don't 

If I, as a resident of BC, Canada, release some code under the CDDL, the last
thing I want to do is travel to God knows where (e.g., California) to protect
my rights in a court of law.  A better example would be Casper, who lives in
the Netherlands.  Why can't he, as the author of a piece of CDDL-licensed code,
chose the venue for lawsuits?

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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