On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 10:21:14AM +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > My impression is that you are discrediting the Debian project by
> > > repeating unproven claims of a single person that once did come up with
> > > anti-social demands on Debian legal.
> >
> > See my other email. And if you are curious, i think the latest thread
> > concernign choice-of-venue is :
> >
> >   http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2005/02/msg00036.html
> >
> > A choice quote there, in the first reply, from on of debian's Release 
> > Managers
> > is :
> >
> >   The problem with choice of venue clauses is that anyone who accepts the
> >   license must also accept the burden of defending themselves against 
> > charges
> >   of license violation in a court which is likely to have an implicit bias 
> > in
> >   favor of the copyright holder: first because courts will often favor, or 
> > can
> >   often be manipulated to favor, a party to the suit who is local to them; 
> > and
> >   second because the cost of litigation is frequently unequal when one party
> >   is geographically much closer than the other.
> >
> > There is more too, and i am sure i saw the current DPL, Branden Robinson,
> > voicing itself against choice of venue also, but i can't find back the email
> > among the many hundred if not thousand concerning this subject.
> >
> > So, again, you are being uninformed or deceptive when you speak about a 
> > single
> > person.
> You just proved that it's you who is uninformed....
> You constantly repeat this single text from Debian Legal, but you avoid
> to do some research on the background.

This single text ? I gave you a link to a 100+ email thread with many
participants, and you speak of a single text ? And there are at least 3 or 4
other such long threads about this in the debian-legal archive over the past
year or so.

> If you did, you would know that Debian accepts the CDDL as being compliant
> with their goals. Note that I did already write this about a month ago.

Nice, do you have a quote or official statement for this, or do we only have
your word on that ? 


Sven Luther

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