>How quickly we forget...
>Many parts of what we call the Berkeley Software Distribution was written
>or maintained by people who were or became Sun employees, and much of what
>was delivered in SunOS 3.x (and somewhat in 4.x) was contributed directly
>back into the BSD4.1/4.2 sources.  At that point in time, SunOS was effectively
>a community driven distro of BSD, albeit all wrapped up under the constraint
>that "we all must have AT&T Unix source licenses in order to share source
>code among ourselves".
>It wasn't until Berkeley's CSRG started to disband and and Sun & AT&T got
>together in the late '80s that this bidirectional sharing dried up, Net/1
>and Net/2 begat 386BSD and BSDi, which, in turn begat NetBSD and FreeBSD...
>Many of us Sun old-timers consider the OpenSolaris effort to be simply
>coming full circle back to our roots; sorry about that long detour along
>the way :-)

Even people who have been at Sun a short time, like me, think so.

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