On 9/11/05, Will Hayworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> XP is on the second partition, because Dell packages utilities on the first 
> partition (which is FAT).  Running "root (hd0,<tab><tab>" to see the 
> available partitions gives me a list of about six or seven.  For all but 
> three, they're unrecognized by GRUB.  The three that are recognized are FAT, 
> UFS, and UFS, respectively, each of which we can account for:  the Dell 
> utilities partition, the Solaris root filesystem, and the Solaris swap.
> So the NTFS partition, which I know is there, is "unrecognized" by GRUB.  
> Where do I go from here?

GRUB doesn't needs to "recognize" the NTFS partition to use a
chainloader. Just make sure you use the appropriate hd0,x....

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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