Robert W. Fuller wrote:

I find the general attitude toward the problem of incompatibility between the 
GPL and the CDDL distressing.  Sun seems unwilling to resolve the issue.  
People who are NOT lawyers post their opinion with a clear anti-GPL bias.  I do 
not consider this project viable without compatibility with the forthcoming 
GPLv3 which is designed to be more compatible with other licenses.  As such, I 
choose to abandon this project for now.  If the licensing situation changes, 
then I will re-evaluate my decision.
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I think what you are seeing is a new and distinct community working out a variety of issues in the open -- just as we said we would. It's no big deal, really. Not everyone agrees on every issue, obviously, and your opinion is just as welcome here as anyone elses. We only ask that opinions are expressed professionally. I consider the diversity of opinion a strength of our community. Working internally at Sun is no different, actually. On the license, this has already been discussed here, but I feel that the company spent the better part of a year exploring various options and found the perfect middle ground solution for the code we were dealing with and the developers in our community. If you don't agree, that's certainly fine.

All the best,

Jim Grisanzio, Community Manager, OpenSolaris
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