> Our OS is Solaris 9 4-04.  What is the default
> permission for /export/home when OS is set up? 

A default installation of Solaris does not contain the /export/home
directory. The directory was created after OS installation.
As a general way of learning the install-time permissions of a file
that is part of the OS you can use pkgchk -p.

> The vendor installed the OS.  I observed that the
> permission of /export/home is 750.   The auto_home is
> turned on(which is default installation). So whenever
> user logs into the system, /home/user is mounted to
> /export/home/user.

Actually it's the other way around:/export/home/user is mounted
 to /home/user. 
Are  you sure that /home/user directory on 
your machine corresponds to the local /export/home directory
and does not use the /export/home directory exported by a NFS server ?

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> cd /export
> total 4
> drwxr-x---   4 root     root         512 Jun 27 12:12
> home
The permissions above would deny access to everything under /export
to anyone who is not root or part of the root group. So unless user1
is part of group root, he wouldn't be able to access /export/home/user1.
That's why I asked above if you're sure /home/user1 corresponds
to /export/home/user1.

> But our policy allows users in different groups to
> read or copy other's file, so I plan to set the
> permission to 755.  Is there any potential problem?

You can change permissions on /export/home.  
755 is a common value for it. 

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