> ok, this one doesn't count, you reply show up in the
> end.
> but how about this one.
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=2
> 475&tstart=0
> Rich Teer followed up on my posting this mornig, I
> got two emails like above example
> but I still don't see his posting on Forum thread.
> Unfortunately I deleted both email regarding Rich'
> reply.

1. Acutally, I didn't delete Rich' email here is his email reply.

>From :         Rich Teer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent :  Friday, September 23, 2005 10:32 AM
CC :    opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject :       Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris
Go to previous message  |       Go to next message      |       Delete  |       

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, TJ Yang wrote:

> I think your answer is at Terminology section of this url

Thanks for the plug.  :-)

The long-awaited seconf (and final) part of that series is nearing

> and the better question is
> "Are OpenSolaris and Solaris 11 the same ?"

The answer is much the same (forgetting for th emoment that there's
no such thing as S11 just yet!).  S11 will be a distro based on
OpenSolaris, and will no doubt have Sun value-added bits.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

Rite Online Inc.

Voice: +1 (250) 979-1638
URL: http://www.rite-group.com/rich

2. Argh, I think I know why,  after reading Rich email.
   Looks like he replied to my post using email instead of posting his reply
   on the Forum::Dicusssion directly. So may be his email reply is awaiting 
   approval from at Email-Forum gateway.
   If this is the case, then no complains. We need this feature to
   prevent spam mail.

Sorry, disturbing the peace here.


> Not a big deal, it is just FYI for the Forum
> administrator.  and I am 
> the only one complain, it must be my bad ;) 
> tj
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