> Jan Setje-Eilers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >  For what it's worth, I hacked away at the nevada build 22 miniroot
> > and was able to install a 128Mb system. Here are the details:
> > 
> >   http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/setje?entry=post_new_boot_solaris_on
> In that blog, you mention
>       Systems with less memory can still be live-upgraded.

 They can, but you won't be able to boot the miniroot which kicks 
them out of the pool of "supportable" equipment.

> What's the current word on performing a Live Upgrade from S10 FCS to
> Solaris Express with newboot (and eventually back to S10 FCS)?  I think one
> issue was the lack of biosdev, which should be fixed by patch 117435-01.

 That should be all you need, I'm cc'ing Vikram who would know for

> I haven't tried this in a while, but managed to hack up a live
> upgrade from S10 FCS to snv_16 with a shell script that produced
> biosdev output quite some time ago, at that time installing the Live
> Upgrade packages from snv_16 on S10 FCS.  On that laptop, I'd like to
> keep S10 FCS as a fallback, so I plan to luactivate the S10 FCS BE
> again, add current (snv_23) LU packages and the biosdev patch and try
> again.  Is this expected to work? The current SX 9/05 Release Notes
> still mention `x86: Cannot Use Solaris Live Upgrade to Upgrade to
> Solaris Express 6/ 05'.

 I might as well just confess what biosdev is used for. It allows BIOS
device numbers (0x80 and the like) to be mapped to Solaris device
names (/c0t0d0 and the like). The only thing that really depends on
this is is the generation of the menu.lst root entry. GRUB uses BIOS
devices names, but subtracts 0x80 from them, so that mapping is
obvious. All that said, in most cases the GRUB root device will be 0.
This is because the BIOS refers to _the_ disk it booted from as 0x80.
So if you booted from the first IDE disk, that disk becomes 0x80, and
if you boot from the second one, that disk will be 0x80. The only time
this gets more interesting is if you have several disks (as you may
with live-upgrade). In that case you may have GRUB on one disk, and be
loading the OS from another. As long as you can somehow establish that
mapping by hand you don't need biosdev.

 The way to establish that mapping by hand is to drop into the GRUB
interactive shell and type "root(" then hit tab for the tab-completion
to show you available devices. As you fill in more of the picture it
will even tell you what filesystems it found on what partitions and


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