On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 14:08, Mike Kupfer wrote:
> >>>>> "Cyril" == Cyril Plisko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Cyril> is there any problem mentioning SVN repo at svn.genunix.org on
> Cyril> opensolaris download page ? I believe it will not do any harm to
> Cyril> the project.
> I don't see any issues.  Is there a web page that the downloads page can
> link to (e.g., telling people how to use Subversion), or should we just
> put in some text like
>     A Subversion repository is available at svn.genunix.org.

.. perhaps qualified as "interim", since we may in the future be able to
backfill intermediate revisions and/or fill in commit comments.

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