I have heard all of these things before but I want to know why or why not. I want more meat. I want to know to technical details like is it a RISC vs CISC, etc. Because I really don't think it is quite that simple.


On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, S Destika wrote:

If you need big iron boxes (>8 and upto 64 CPUs) currently, SPARC is your 
choice. AMD/Intel aren't there yet but soon they might well be there with 
multicore stuff. And if you are in the market for funky things such as hot 
swappable CPUs, dynamic reconfiguration auto-diagnosis and recovery etc. SPARC is 
the way to go.

For all other stuff, there is Opteron (x64) - yes the x86 is dead. A comparable 
Opteron system should be much faster than SPARC one. If you care extremely 
about speed - Linux might be a better choice. If extreme stability / 
reliability  and/or religious belief is the concern, go with Solaris. (Ok, to 
reduce the chances of flames I had to say this last sentence ;)
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