Unfortunately, we can't update that when we deliver new versions in
patches, so relying on the DESC field is not useful.   There is no
generic way to find the "upstream" version of software in a Solaris
package - you have to rely on the software to have a -v or --version
or equivalent.

And that is precisely my point. Or at least one of them.

The problem with the package management system as it stands is that it has changed little since Solaris 2 was first released and it is almost entirely geared towards installing Sun-sourced software. This is why we have the mismatch between the package version (which is the version of the package, not the version of the software you are installing) and the actual version of the software.

If you only ever install strict Sun packages (i.e. those purely pertaining to the OS and the core Solaris group) then the package versioning and management features make sense. Once you start including third-party products (including those bundled by Sun as well as those from SunFreeware and Blastwave) it starts to get confusing.

I've been using Solaris since it was first released, I know the issues and the history. But for a user migrating from Linux or even BSD, the package management and version information, combined with multiple potential sources for pre-packaged software, and even the same versions of a product (Perl say) from multiple sources, all of which install into different locations, is just a complete and confusing mess.

This is only going to get worse with OpenSolaris as we're going to get more people providing and supporting the package installation method and more and more users wanting to install pre-packaged versions of popular FOSS software.

We need some coherence, some improvements to the package management software and the data that it stores, and a service that can combine together the efforts of all the groups into a reliable way of finding and ultimately installing the software.

As far as I know the package management tools aren't out there yet, but they will certainly be on my list of things to investigate and hopefully improve or extend.


Martin 'MC' Brown, http://MCslp.com

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