> On Friday 07 October 2005 07:48 pm, W. Wayne Liauh wrote:
> > The fact that Solaris is different from Linux, and that it requires a
> > steeper learning curve, may actually be advertised as an advantage. (Read:
> > an "elite" OS)  "Easy" may not play well with business users.  OTOH a
> > "default" Linux installation (especially on notebooks) is inherently
> > insecure.  It's just that no one bothers to talk about it.  (Of course this
> > problem can be easily fixed, but the key word is the "default"
> > installation.) This message posted from opensolaris.org
> >
> > Alan DuBoff wrote:
> I'm not so sure that I would say Solaris requires a steeper learning curve
> than Linux, both require quite a learning curve. I don't find Solaris any
> more difficult, and in some ways it's easier for me.
> And yes, I have worked on both Linux and Embedded Linux in the past, so I'm
> very familiar with them, as well as *BSD.
> However, I wouldn't place either of them as an end all solution for all cases,
> and I'm a believer in using the right tool for the job. There are some things
> I wouldn't use Solaris for, such as an embedded device with minimal memory
> and storage. Similarly, I wouldn't use Linux in a 4-way server where heavy
> loads are a requirement.

I second everything you wrote, and would add that the percieved
difficulty of using any given operating system / environment is always
a function of what you're attempting to do with it.      No one is
truly qualified to speak on how easy or difficult Solaris or GNU/Linux
is outside their specific domain of experience.  For example, most
Linux distributions do seem have intuitive installers, but now that I
find myself working with it every day, I often find myself wishing it
handled certain tasks in manner more like Solaris.  It seems like
things change rapidly and a little thing can set off a chain reaction
in a large system that can ruin my whole day.

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