> From: S Destika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/10/10 Mon AM 10:55:43 EDT
> To: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
> Subject: [osol-discuss] Re:  Re:  Re: Sparc ? x86 Comparison
> Hey you have clearly gone long back in time - gdb doesn't work for you, linux 
> kernel on SMP is a joke - all retro talk.  It's 2005 - wake up!! Linux has 
> near perfect SMP scalability today - it works fine on a 512 CPU Itanium. 
> As far as stability goes - If you run well tested vendor kernels Linux should 
> be *rock* stable even under heavy load.
> To the point of debugging - I dont know if you know much of kdb, kgdb and gdb 
> itself. You could even debug Linux kernel on the ethernet. And to the point 
> of debug version of airplane - I am sure today's airplanes do not have 
> onboard debugging facilities and pilots are no big fans of doing things such 
> as suspending the engine midway in the journey to see if the sound coming is 
> from the engine - if engine is making noise while the plane is flying, it's 
> game over there. People should have cared about testing the engine *before* 
> the flight. 
> Thank god Sun is not into making airplanes! ;) 
> Ok. I call quits - I am convinced you guys are biased and don't know enough 
> details/facts for the argument to be objective and unbiased.
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Obviously you don't know the difference between SMP and MPP, this seems to be 
the call of the "Linux user" (and I'm being polite here) when a discussion goes 
bad toward Linux and proclaims that Linux' SMP is superior in order to "win" 
the argument. If that is the case, then point us toward one production instance 
that surpasses the 144 CPU maximum of Solaris.

As far as bias goes, I think most of the people are pretty open minded 

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