>I've found Solaris and Redhat have very little to do with the
>actual performance, most of it seems to be compiler dependent

You don't seem to have dealt with Java any time, have you? Compiler dependent, 
huh? That would be true for scientific applications running mostly in user 
space but if you ever dealt with real software deployed by businesses you would 
know that SPEC benchmarks such as jAppServer, JBB etc. matter and operating 
system scalability to deal with gigabytes of memory, tons of processors, and a 
load of network connections matters a lot. What makes you think SPEC is 
useless?  Have you ever seen what they do with SPEC benchmarks?

And I don't think we need to discuss Redhat and Sun support here. I reiterate 
that we are discussing scalability and performance in this thread - and also 
that I am not spreading FUD that Solaris and Sun support sucks because I know 
both are technically speaking good things and one should use what he/she likes 
and suits there need - no need to go into FUD mode or exclusivity.
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