On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 17:41, Sarah Jelinek wrote:
> Daniel,
> To clear up a misconception about MTB UFS. The maximum density of inodes 
> that can be in a MTB UFS filesystem is 1 inode per megabyte of space. 
> This does not mean that a megabyte of space is used for every file. It 
> simply means you cannot have more than a million or so files per 
> terabyte of storage.

Which is nowhere near adequate in all cases:

Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2    703246224 626354966 69858796    90%    /export/data
Filesystem             iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2   16688199 67187641    20%   /export/data

Note that this filesystem already has more files than a maximum size
UFS (16TB->16 million inodes).

My understanding is that the argument is that fsck could take
long. I know that fsck on this takes about 3 hours, although you would
have to
ask what goes wrong to need an fsck.

-Peter Tribble
L.I.S., University of Hertfordshire - http://www.herts.ac.uk/
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/

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