> If Sun don't release what makes up a standard Solaris
> distribution, people are going to have to find
> replacement components so that existing Solaris code
> can run on pure OpenSolaris distros... i.e Solaris
> provides a C++ runtime system that is not open so
> makes it difficult for a pure OpenSolaris distro to
> run C++ applications that require the Solaris runtime
> bits.

And how is this a problem? I presume that libCstd and libCrun are available for 
OpenSolaris (at least, I assume so, since Sun has made their Studio compilers 
available). The big advantage of lbCstd is backwards compatibility.

> Anyway I saw that RogueWave have released their
> standard C++ library as open source. I believe the
> Solaris libCstd is based off RougueWave source code.
> Could be very useful for anyone attempting a clean
> Solaris compatible OpenSolaris distro providing that
> Sun libCstd has not diverged hugely from the
> RougeWave implementation...
> http://incubator.apache.org/projects/stdcxx.html

There is already STLport which comes with Sun Studio.  The advantage of STLport 
is that it allows a much better C++ standard conformance than the older 
libCstd. The disadvantage is that you have to compile and link all 
objects/libraries with the same standard library. This means that if you have 
any libraries without the source code, then you are stuck with libSctd. I 
imagine that this will also be an issue with an updated libCstd. If it were 
possible to remain backwardly compatible and 100% standard conformant, then I'm 
sure that Sun would already have done it.

I'd be interested to hear, if anyone knows, how RW compares to STLport 
(reliability, speed, debug features...).

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