On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 11:28 +0100, Frank Hofmann - Solaris Sustaining
> > indeed. Also having something like FUSE framework available for SunOS
> > platform should speed up development of variety of popular FSs, like
> > smbfs, googlefs, and others listed here:
> > http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems
> This is fascinating. I hope you don't mind that I forward it to
> some more filesystem-centric list.
> We've been pondering the idea of creating a kernel/user bounce module
> to be able to write userspace "filesystem providers". Seems that this
> exists there.
> How I hate these licensing issues. FUSE is GPL, of course ...

should not be a show stopper, imho. Project like this has clear API
between kernel and user spaces. GPL is about API implementation, not API
declaration.(I guess) As in case of FreeBSD, kernel part and ioctls code
needs to be re-written under CDDL, while user part will remain GPL which
is legal, AFAIK.


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