Hello Peter,

Thursday, October 20, 2005, 11:48:49 PM, you wrote:

PT> On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 06:20, Dan Price wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'd like to propose the creation of a community for technologies related
>> to ZFS (Zettabyte File System).
>> Don't get too excited-- ZFS hasn't finished the spin cycle in the
>> machine just yet; and no, I can't say when that will happen.  But it
>> would be good to have a community, and especially a mailing list ready
>> for the day it does become available.  ZFS (the Zettabyte File System)
>> is Sun's next generation filesystem, aimed at providing unparalleled
>> data integrity and scalability under a simplified administration model.

PT> I'm all for it, but:

PT> If it's that simple, why does it need a separate community?

PT> One of the fundamental aims of zfs is that it should "just work".
PT> (And by and large my experience supports that.) If it succeeds, what
PT> will there be to talk about?

PT> I know that my own hope is that zfs will become essentially invisible
PT> (unlike things like svm and ufs, which need constant looking at),
PT> and that the real interest is not in ZFS but the higher level services
PT> that you can layer on top of it. (Which, in a sense, argues for the
PT> wider scope of a Data and Storage Management community.)

I would love for example other compression algorithms implemented -
that's probably good project for community. Other guys would be
probably happy with different kinds of encryption, other with some
performance improvement, etc...

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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