ken mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do have a question for you, Jörg. What are the
> possibilities of porting Schillix to a Genesi Pegasos
> II ODW now that you have the build kit?? This is a

First, you should know that there are serious problems
to create a working PPC port as long as the closed bins
tree remains non-empty for OpenSolaris.

> 'serious' open workstation design and I'd think the
> build kit would make a nice addition not the arsenal
> of OpenSolaris toolkits for it. I'm sure we have
> remaining issues - and you have that etc/svc issue to
> fix...

Once it is possible to work on the PPC port, I will buy a
new HD and mount it into my Pegasus :-)

Of course everything for the SchilliX add on packages
needs recompilation (and here we see why my libm sources
still make sense ;-) but the rest should be similar - 
except maybe the low level boot method.


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