Robert Glueck wrote:
Alex Ross wrote:

Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
The site is toooo slowww... Which is the username and
password for the LiveCD?
User root, password livecd. It's on the website, by the

Thanks for giving out the username and password.  It would
be good if you could put it in a prominent place, e.g. on
the boot splash screen or in an obvious place such as the
download page, right next to the download link.

Makes sense, will do a bit later..

You said
"it's on the webpage" but I can't find it anywhere, not on
the download page nor on the homepage nor in the wiki nor
in the forum page.

It's on Getting Started page, see Step #4 "Booting".

Searching around for it on the website is impractical as it
is difficult to connect to the website to begin with.



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