On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:15:54AM -0500, Nils Nieuwejaar wrote:
> > Ok.  I wasn't aware that BrandX was a feature name.  Thanks for
> > clarifying that.  I had seem some discussions which led me to be
> > confused on that point-- and that the name would be much more closely
> > associated with zones. 
> The product we ship to customers will not be called BrandX.  That will have
> a marketing-blessed name that stresses the zoneyness of it.  BrandX is just
> the name of the infrastructure, which only engineers should ever care
> about.

Don't you mean the "Solaris Container-yness" or possibly, if you're old
school, the "N1 Grid Container-yness"?


Adam Leventhal, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/ahl
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