On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Erast Benson wrote:

Please don't top post.

> Have you ever noticed that GNU/Linux is everywhere?

Not here, and not on ANY computer I have a say in.

> a) mind set shift (GNU/Linux => */OpenSolaris) might not happen at all
> or will take too much time to happen and than GNU/Linux will close the

I agree that the mindset shift will take time.

> gap on server side too. And people like you will scare existing

Please.  That assumes that OpenSOlaris is going to stand still, giving
other OSes a chance to catch up.  That ain't gonna happen.

> b) SUN Microsystems still do not care to explain their oficial position

That's "Sun Microsystems".  Others have addressed this, so I won't
add to the discussion.

> In regard to (b). One simple thing SUN could do is to dual license SUN
> libc as GPL and CDDL. The way FreeBSD, Mozilla and many others resolved
> it. This will immediately resolve publicity issue.

I see no publicity issue to resolve, and I see no reason why Sun would
want to license libc (or any other part of OpenSolaris) under the GPL.
The CDDL is fine.

> But at the same time I *LOVE* OpenSolaris and very much would like to
> continue on conquer existing GNU/Linux users hearts and believe in our
> final success!

Same here, but there will always be some Linux hold-outs.  But also,
there's room for both OSes--just not on any of my machines.  :-)

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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