On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 11:25, Matthew Simmons wrote:
> Nobody finds them, because they're out of the way.
> It's also an annoyance for administrators, because they have to add yet 
> another
> directory to their PATH.
> Much better to put the new feature right in their path, so to speak, than to
> make them have to take positive action just to find it.

yep.  and on a related note, PSARC just made a fairly strong statement
on this front regarding divergence between /usr/bin and /usr/xpg4/bin
command variants.

While there are many cases where standards we want to support have
actual conflicting behavior with what we've shipped since the dawn of
time, our existing architecture is that *compatible* syntax extensions
are fair game for going into the /usr/bin command set (subject, of
course, as always to people having time to do the work).

Unfortunately, the actual implementation diverges from this
considerably; there are many options supported only by the /usr/xpgN/bin
variants (id, grep, du, tail, and sh are the ones I've identified so
far; I'm sure there are others).

In many cases, both variants are typically built from the same source
code, so fixing these may be a matter of moving #ifdefs.

                                        - Bill

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