Joerg Schilling wrote:

> We need to find out where others have problems and how to solve them.

Let me add an example I came across last weekend:

in.dhcpd is present on OpenSolaris but it is unusable because of two reasons:

                -       I cannot be configured by a simple configure scipt
                        but requires to use configurator programs instead.
                        These programs depend on Java that is not part of
                        OpenSolaris and not freely redistributable.

                        As a result, in.dhcpd on OpenSolaris is 100% unusable.

                -       The configuration is so cryptic that I failed a fifth
                        time to understand it and it was another time that I
                        compiled and configured ISC dhcpd instead and configured
                        it within 2 minutes without even reading the man pages.

Well, I need to replace in.dhcpd from Sun by a working program which could be ISC dhcpd. Unfortunately Sun's "add_install_client" and similar scripts
depend on Sun dhcpd....well, I could argue that "add_install_client" does not
work correctly for x86 systems and needs to be fixed anyway.
How do we deal with, [etc...]

With the development of the devproc and the opening of the ARC process.

Question (for Joerg and all): There have been some messages posted
regarding the status and progess of the above two projects; has it been enough?

Eric B.

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