On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 16:04, Sean O'Neill wrote:
> Well, I got B27 installed and running but there are some issues.  Hoping 
> someone knows about these.
> 1) The pcn interface doesn't work and won't plumb up at boot time.  Once the 
> box is up I can plumb it up but no network traffic flows between my VMNET 
> interface in Linux and OpenSolaris.  Related to this and VERY odd is the 
> first time I booted the virtual machine pcn0 was the interface and it was 
> plumbed up (it didn't work but it did plumb up).  With subsequent reboots, 
> pcn0 no longer exists in /devices and the pcn drivers attaches pcn1 - moving 
> /etc/hostname.pcn0 to /etc/hostname.pcn1 still doesn't plumb up the interface 
> at boot time though.

How do you have VMWare setup with Networking, NAT, Bridged, etc.?  If
the hardware seems missing double check the VM settigs to make sure
netowrk is still enabled. 

Are you using DHCP?  If so try a static and see if that makes a

But if you have no luck I have prebuilt VM Image that I built that might
help you. Hopefully soon I can get someone at Sun to distrubute it.

Bill Rushmore

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