Girts Zeltins wrote:
I think that in future best way is to integrate KDE as default
> graphical desktop in Solaris. GNOME can be as an alternative desktop.

With all due respect, I do not agree with you. The default WM is a personal preference and for me, I prefer CDE and Gnome.

KDE is more better than GNOME.

This is arguable but again comes back to personal preference. Some like KDE, some like Gnome and some (like me) are very happy with CDE.

I think that JDS can be changed with JDE (KDE based Java Desktop
> Environment). There is need to talk about KDE because I think
> that KDE is more popular and looks more better than GNOME.

This topic can drag on for months. Sun has already invested a lot of money in GNOME and getting JDS out of the door. They are an integral part of the GNOME committee. I doubt that they will switch this easily for KDE.

i do agree that the users can be given a choice to install either of the two (Gnome or KDE), but even when you login first time to a Solaris machine, it gives the user an option to choose their default desktop (which for me is always CDE).

My 2 cents.

Warm Regards,

Bruno Delbono
Open-Systems Group
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