On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 12:08 +0000, Roman Duka wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 09:40:20 -0800
> Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 05:31 -0800, Roman wrote:
> > > OpenSolaris is pretty much useless on desktop if you can't run your
> > > favourite web browser, email client, etc. There are a few sites that offer
> > > precompiled Solaris native packages, but they are not as good as pkgsrc.
> > > Also Solaris native packaging system sucks, compared to pkgsrc.
> > 
> > Actually, native Solaris's PKG system is quite advanced but not eye
> > candy and hard to use. But today OpenSolaris users has another option
> > besides pkgsrc. Its Debian's based Nexenta OS with 18000+ packages
> > avaialable in source form and 3000+ in binary form. (as of today). And
> > number packages is growing. Debian repository has everything
> > latest/greates. And pretty much all of available Debian packages
> > compiles on NexentaOS quite easily. (remember that Debian is
> > platform-independent technology, i.e. it has ports on Linux, FreeBSD,
> > Darwin and now SunOS).
> > 
> > Its actually really cool to find out that on the second day after new
> > version of mplayer is released, corresponding Debian package gets
> > updated to the latest.
> > 
> > Check out http://www.gnusolaris.org
> > 
> Does this mean I have to install Nexenta, or I could keep on running Sun's
> Solaris and simply adopt your package framework?

As of now, you have to install Nexenta Alpha 1 (which is build27 based).
May be there is a simple way to adopt packages. I'll think about it. Its
known fact that dpkg and apt-get totally independent from the system and
could be executed on Solaris without modifications or recompilations.

> Also, how do you build packages from source? Are there options for using 
> SunPro
> compilers and custom optimisation flags?

Right now we have gcc-3.x and gcc-4.x. Majority of FOSS requires gcc to
build. But nobody stops you to run SunPro compiler on NexentaOS since in
core NexentaOS is just yet another OpenSolaris based distribution but

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