>> What graphics does it have?  I think b28 has a lot more Xorg changes.
>I have ATI Radeon Mobility 9000.

Never had any issues with those.

b28 should have new settings like:

Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"

which you could try,

>Oh yeah, one other thing (and this used to happen with b23 as well).  If 
>I use 'vesa' driver instead of 'radeon' or 'ati' then changing between 
>images on www.sun.com is fast, i.e. they change fast as mouse moves over 
>them.  But everything else is slow.  However, when using 'radeon' or 
>'ati' driver, than everything else is normal, but those images are being 
>displayed very slowly.  I hope you know what I'm talking about, as I've 
>already talked about this effect in another thread titled "More findings 
>on poor performance of Xorg" in perf-discuss.

These seem to work reasonably well for me (on the Ferrari 3400 which
has a 9800 or so)

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