
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 08:49 +0100, Frank Hofmann - OP/N1 RPE wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > of people who wrote the code in the source files. Sure, there's probably
> > some Teamware logs, but that doesn't feel as public as something like a
> > ChangeLog [1] or author credits in the source code headers.
> I'm not with you on that. The Solaris sourcecode is the product of the 
> hard work done by so many people that putting their names into the 
> sourcefiles directly, or even keeping a central repository "credits.txt" 
> (whatever) is only going to clutter things. It puts my name into a crowd 
> of thousands - and definitely not at the top of things. Why should I want 
> that ?

I was suggesting that putting names into the source code was occasional
rather than be the norm [for example, when you create a new file],
however something like a ChangeLog, or multiple ChangeLogs are a pretty
good idea. They give a nice summary of the changes going back to the
code, and an easy to find email address for people contributing to the
code that you can contact.


I suppose in a way not unlike -


Also remember that not everyone will initially have an account to commit
their work.

> For my part, I'm proud that the teamware logs reflect my work, successes 
> and failures (!) alike. It's a great trail of what I've worked on and how 
> well/bad I did on it. Almost like a mini-CV. Far more targeted and precise 
> than a global, huge "contributors.txt" that shows my name deep down within 
> a list of thousands. It makes me proud having my name appear on the v1.1 
> line of a history file, although so far that only happened once. It makes 
> me proud being able to tell someone "look at what I did" instead of just 
> saying "hey I'm with the crowd". There's even some pride in backout logs 
> followed by re-putbacks of a fixed set of changes - I failed but yet I 
> persisted.

Maybe we just need to automatically generate a ChangeLog based on the
Teamware logs - ie. for each putback, it lists the files changed, the
putback message, name and email of the person? And ideally the putback
message will contain a reference to any contributed code.

> A very personal opinion of mine. But since you brought it up, I just had 
> to speak out :)

No, that's *totally* cool - it was just a suggestion to throw out there,
on an observation that *currently* it's not very easy to see what things
are going back into ON and who is responsible for doing what.


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