On 1/8/06, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sun Studio 11 compiler *CRUSHED* GCC 4 on x86/x64.
> It generated far shorter and better optimized code.
> Interestingly enough, Visual Studio C compiler had the tightest code of all.
> BTW, to test, just compile with -S and you'll get assembler source out.  Then 
> you can look at it and compare side by side. If you know anything about 
> assemler, *everything* will become crystal clear within first five seconds.

Thanks for the head up !

As for assembler, yeah. I spent a lifetime in assembler a long long
time ago and was working on a board that would find factors of 512-bit
numbers.  Sounds fairly dumb but at the time it was important to
encryption cracking techniques.  Eventually the i960 code was then
used to create a pure hardware device that chased after factors.  This
is one of the reasons why I look at the "factor" program source and
just really want to rewrite it entirely but can't find the time or
motivation for something so seemingly useless.

Also .. I got a copy of Mathematica for Christmas and it rocks.  So
why write code ?

Anyways .. I'll have a look at the assembler output and drag out my
Intel assembler manuals.  If, as you say, its all bloody obvious in 5
seconds then I'll let ya know.

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