On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Dennis Clarke wrote:

> So .. let's assume infinite memory and zero response time IO with near
> infinite CPU speed and we hit some internal limit in the VMWare
> product at 96 or so ?  Or is it possible to get a massive Galaxy box
> and install RHEL ( or what?  ESX on top of ? ) and then hit maybe 16
> virtual machines.  I have no idea and I am sure the people are VMWare
> would love to have the ideal gas law equation computer.  Infinite
> memory, near infinite CPU speed and zero response time IO.  The only
> limitation then is the software.

The limitation is within ESX.  Since I am not an expert I won't try to
explain it.  I just remember when I setup ESX I had to allocate a certain
amount of memory to the ESX console and that was the limitation on the
number of OS's I could run.  ESX runs on the "bare metal"  and I think it
is based on Red Hat.

Although I bet you could get some ridiculous number of systems by running
Solaris zones on top of VMware!

> And stability ?  Rock solid ?

Very stable.


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