> To be honest, I think you /sometimes/ have to take
> what Jonathan blogs
> about with a pinch of salt... part of his job (and
> hence part of the
> reason for his blog's existence) is to get people
> talking about Sun, and
> Sun's software in particular.  And if there's one
> surefire way to get
> the industry journalists biting your hand off for a
> story, it's to
> mention "Solaris" and "GPL" in the same sentence :)

You are quite right, of course.
I always take what Jonathan writes about with a pinch of salt. To be sure, the 
man's got some great ideas and he's got some vision. But unfortunately, he's 
becoming more of a marketeer then he ever was before, in the most negative 

That's such a pity. Sure, one should look for new ways to bring the word out. 
But going to extremes just to get attention? What about collateral and long 
term damage that GPL could cause to Sun?
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