On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 23:56, Mike Kupfer wrote:
> >>>>> "Dennis" == Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dennis> So then .. it looks like the old way of pkgrm packages is going
> Dennis> away and a new prodreg uninstall process is here now?
> The last I heard, Solaris packages (pkgadd, etc.) are in no danger of
> going away.
> I don't know why a new prodreg mechanism was introduced.  I don't
> believe it's universally used within Sun.

prodreg is a layer above packages.  Quite often a "Product", say
a compiler suite or an application server suite, is a collection
of packages.  The data installed by prodreg is kind of like a
meta package set.

prodreg has been around for a while, its use is not mandatory.

The idea is to give the administrator a higher level or abstraction
than raw packages.

Darren J Moffat 

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