
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 17:46 -0800, Keith M. Wesolowski wrote:
> This proposed community would provide long-term guidance to teams managing
> releases of the SFW consolidation and projects derived from them, and to 
> project
> teams working to release and improve the Companion DVD and similar 
> distributions
> of third-party open source software for OpenSolaris-based systems.
> Alternate names for this community and comments are welcome.

So I've thought a bunch about this, and wondering if we're doing the
right thing creating all these communities [1], formalizing and building
before we've really examined where we want to go and what we want to be.
Almost everyone's stood up and said 'OpenSolaris is not a distribution',
yet we seem to be taking steps that are putting together something that
is *almost* a distribution [2].

It's not that I disagree [I think I'm very much in agreement], but I'm
just wondering how best to go about this. For example, arguably Nexenta
have already done their own thing, packaged software, using different
tools and created their own distribution. ShilliX mostly does the same,
though admittedly may follow this community a bit closer with the
ultimate goal of creating a compatible OpenSolaris based distribution.
Where's the benefit? Is it only 'Foo version X should be on Solaris 11'?

By contrast, FWIW, I completely agree with the /usr/sfw Nevada project -
a nice solid concrete project with well defined timeline, and mostly
defined set of goals. I'm just dragging at the heels with this proposal
in figuring out what the benefits, goals and boundaries of this
community, and more interestingly, how much impact it can have to tackle
the real issues that we need to may need to face for long term success.

I'd probably vote for just 'Packaging', but I also wonder if this should
really be rolled into Dave's 'Installation and packaging' community

Feel free to crap on this mail, I'm not totally convinced myself in
writing it...


[1] And I have a real fear that we're creating too many disjointed
    communities, when we really need to build some initial mass and
    momentum purposely with fewer communities.

[2] Which is still my soapbox goal of being able to provide a complete
    free end-to-end distribution that is easy to create a derived 
    distribution from.

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