Nothing really has changed with Bonobo.  It is a part of
the GNOME Platform and is considered stable and supported
by the GNOME community.  The modules (ORBit2, libbonobo,
libbonoboui, libIDL, etc.) haven't really changed much
since GNOME 2.0.

In GNOME 2.0 several programs used bonobo components, like
evolution, nautilus and gnome-panel.  The main advantage of
bonobo components is that it allows reuse and the hope was
that various components (for doing things like viewing
images, previewing soundfiles, etc.) would be written as
components and shared across applications.

Unfortunately, this component sharing never really worked
out and programs like evolution, nautilus, gnome-panel
were just using their own components to do different things.
For this reason, and because using components adds
performance overhead, these programs moved away (or are in
the process of moving away from) using components.

However, there are a few areas in the GNOME stack where
bonobo is used and probably will stay.  For example, in
accessibility where bonobo is needed for AT programs like
GOK and gnopernicus to have out-of-process access to
other running programs.

So, what changed was that using bonobo components has
fallen out of favor due to performance reasons and an
apparent lack of need for shared components in many of
the places in the GNOME stack that people have tried to
use them so far.

It is possible bonobo will come more into favor in GNOME
again if people find more effective need for shared
components.  These sorts of things seem to go in cycles.


(Although the bit about GNOME having a superior
architecture due to Bonobo
is rather amusing given the state of Bonobo in
in GNOME today.   Perhaps
that is due for an update if marketing ever changes
es this site to reflect
  something beyond GNOME 2.0.)

If you would be so kind as to elaborate more into technical detail, I'd 
appreciate it.
What has changed with regards to Bonobo?
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