Peter Tribble wrote:
On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 09:16, Darren J Moffat wrote:
TJ Yang wrote:
Current name:

Packaging, Patching, and Distribution Mgmt Community
Proposed name:
Application mgnt and Distributions Community
Shorter and general enough to cover packaing,patching and opensolaris 
That actually means something completely different to me.

Why not just call this "Install" if we are going for a generic

I've been wondering about this proposal for a while, and the
proposed community - certainly in terms of the original proposal
back on Jan 31st - doesn't work for me. Which is worrying,
because - being a sysadmin - the whole packaging, patching, and
installation process is important to me and something I want to
see done well.

The focus seems to be on "how to put together a distribution
using Solaris packages". While this information needs to be
available it's largely a set of existing rules that need to
be published rather than a community, and it's pretty specific
to the Solaris package tools. What about distributions that
choose to use other packaging systems? They don't seem to
fit in naturally. So how to broaden the scope to include
all distributions and their installation management schemes?

Rob's original wording somewhat reflects where he works in Sun, and thus his primary perspective, but there is no intention to make this specific to the Solaris packaging tools or distribution rules, though they'd make up some significant content. I'd be quite happy for this to include discussions or projects around using dpkg, rpm, or whatever with OpenSolaris. So what do you suggest would make that clear in the scope?

The other component of the proposal is to create a home for
the Solaris packaging tools. Yes, I want these tools, and
they need a home, but they strike me as being closer to a
project that a community.

That's true, I guess, looking at it in the same way as the desktop community providing a home for the Gnome/JDS project, though they seem to have chosen to view that as a sub-community for some reason. But as Jim Carlson noted, what's being released doesn't really represent a project itself, it's a codebase. I expect we would charter a number of projects out of this community to improve the software management experience for OpenSolaris.

What I think i'm muddle-headedly staggering towards is a setup
with a broader "Install" community and a narrower "Solaris
Package Software" project. Or maybe a "Distributions"
community, with an even broader scope, with the publishing of
the Solaris distribution rules and the SVR4 software tools
being projects underneath that.

I'm not too keen on a "Distributions" community, for the reasons Jim noted - it seems to promote the semantic quagmire where people start thinking of OpenSolaris as a distribution when it's not. Naming it "Installation and Packaging", where "packaging" is meant in the meta sense I mention above, seems like it keeps us centered on technology.

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