> Is there not an OpenSolaris vmware image / pre-built Virtual Machine for
> Intel architectures available for download yet? All the big Linux
> distributions have one available at
> http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/ and there are plenty of community
> built ones at http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/community.html and
> the beauty of it is that the vmware player is completely free and it is
> dead easy to boot into any prebuilt OS.
> In this email thread
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=17440&#17440,
> there was a hint at legal issues for distributing it. Is this possibly
> the reason why there is no OpenSolaris virtual appliance to be found
> anywhere on the internet, or is it just that no-one has got around to it
> yet?

There are legal issues with redistributing Solaris Express (either as
a VM or an ISO) due to the non-open-source (and non-redistributable)
components - only Sun has the rights to distribute these.  But the
other OpenSolaris based distros (Schillix, Nexenta, and Belenix) are
freely redistributable (AFAIK).  If someone makes a (legal)
OpenSolaris based distro available for download I'll get a link to it
added to the VMware community page.

Andy Tucker
VMware, Inc.
(speaking only for myself)
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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