Dennis Clarke wrote:
> On 3/7/06, Andy Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 3/6/06, Roland Mainz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm hitting some problems with Solaris guest installations in VMware
> > > (e.g. Solaris being the guest in a VMware VM):
> > > Sometimes the clock is going out-of-sync. I configured "xntpd" to
> > > counteract these issues - but suddenly at one point all hell breaks
> > > loose:
> > ...
> >
> > Generally configuring ntp in a guest doesn't work well due since ntpd
> > gets confused by the unstable nature of time in a VM (particularly if
> > the host is busy) and gives up.
> So we are stuck with a crontab entry for root like so :
> # Try to Keep time
> 11 * * * * /root/bin/ntpdate -B -o 3 -p 8 -s -t 5 -v my.favorite.ntp.server
> Then home that drift is only a second or so per hour ...   ick

Currently "xntpd" does that job, too:
-- snip --
Mar  7 17:42:23 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 2.975875 s
Mar  7 17:52:16 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 2.095312 s
Mar  7 18:04:28 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 1.675151 s
Mar  7 18:21:52 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 3.061506 s
Mar  7 18:33:18 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 2.034722 s
Mar  7 18:45:30 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 1.609903 s
Mar  7 18:57:42 silo04 xntpd[775]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time reset
(step) 3.070431 s
-- snip --
The only complaint was that it suddenly stopped to adjust/sync the time
which screwed-up lots of stuff... ;-(



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