The Linix Format DVD is all finalized. According to the publication, BelliniX will be included on a DVD with Gentoo 2006 and SimplyMEPIS3.4-3.

I've asked for copies of the publication to be sent our way so we can see how it all presented. The publication also has a feature article about OpenSolaris, plus basic installation guide for the DVD.  There is still room on the DVD for a more detailed step-by-step that Dennis Clarke is working on as well.

Thanks to everyone who worked quickly and Dennis' tireless efforts to build an ISO of all our distros. This work is not wasted--a DVD of all these distros is a cool item that can be given away in many different venues.  I'll keep everyone informed of the timeframes in case we'd like to "update" the ISO....certainly there will be a good opportunity to give away during our 1 year anniversary efforts coming up in June!

Thanks again to all!


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Yes, a guide to installing BeleniX to hard disk would be very welcome, thanks! 
Currently I'm including the existing BeleniX guide on the disc -- but it's a 
bit brief so anything more detailed/easy would be superb.

The edition of Linux Format in which this will all appear is 79, May 2006. It's 
due to hit UK newsstands on the 6th of April, and US shops a week or so after 
that. If you want copies posted just give me a shout and I'll get it sorted!


Mike Saunders
New Media Editor
Linux Format Magazine

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