"Holger" == Holger Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The problem here is that you lose most of the
>> benefits in the kernel if the
>> size is tunable, in one of two directions:
>> either you still have 8k pages in the kernel (i.e.
>> . you have
>> 4x the number of page_ts than you need, and you're
>> e *always* dealing
>> with large pages), or

Holger> I do not see a problem here. The kernel will only offer 64k,
Holger> 512k and 4M pages (on US1/2/T1). 8k pages will be not
Holger> available. This eliminates all need for emulation.

Minor nit:  512k pages aren't available on Niagara (T1).
Dave Marquardt
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Austin, TX
+1 512 366-9085
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