Nicolas Linkert wrote:
I seem to be unable to install X. At the beginning of the install procedure I choose to install 
everything that is a available. In the middle of the installation - when the PC has rebootet for 
the 1st time - I get asked to insert the "Language CD" and then the "Companion 
CD" ... Huh? Where are they? I only have Cd 1 - 4 ??? And X is not available. It looks for 
Xorg but can't find it. What is it that's wrong here? I seem to be unable to find out ...
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The language CD's are optional.

Login as root at the command prompt.
type in kdmconfig.

Choose Xsun and try a few variants.  One of those should get you going.
Xorg is nice once it figures out what your hardware is.  But if it
can't it seems to be rather brain useless.
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