Hi Dennis,
Got an ETA on when the DVD would be ready? I'm heading down to the FISL conference in April, and I'd love to burn a whole bunch of these DVDs and bring them with me.


Dennis Clarke wrote:
On 3/16/06, Laura Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


got an update on the Band of Brothers DVD?

   In short, yes.  Still working on it.

Once you have the ISO up on
Blastwave, and the installation guide is set, we can start the
production phase of the project:

1--Sara can start whipping up the DVD cover art in inserts...

  I think I'll do the cover.  What were you thinking of doing?  Does Sara have
  a prototype or an idea in mind ?

2--We can figure out best timing for the first run (and the quantity)

  Wasn't the idea 1000 ?

3--We can PROMOTE THE ISO so that User Groups can burn them at will!

  Thats part of the documentation I think.


ps:  am real busy here.


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