On Mar 17, 2006, at 10:06 AM, Sean Sprague wrote:

Hello all,

As Dennis suggested, "Band of Brothers" is not a suitable name for the DVD containing BeleniX, Nexenta and SchilliX; and that a replacement name should be sought.

Well here's the thread, and a couple of kickoffs that my brain (term used loosely) has dumped (each with a reason for unsuitability included).

"OpenSolaris Three Wise Men" (sexist and religious connotation)
"The OpenSolaris Trilogy" (they don't for a ongoing continuous storyline) "The OpenSolaris Triumvirate" (pain in the ass when more distros come along)
"OpenSolaris Three Musketeers" (as above, and probably copyrighted)
"OpenSolaris Leaders of the Pack" (too long)

But my "favourites" so far:

"OpenSolaris holy trinity" (holy is not exclusively religious (esp. when hot capitalised), but still stuck on three members).
"OpenSolaris Barbershop Trio"


Ehh, please skip the religious overtones please.

My suggestion is "OpenSolaris ergo sum"

Kaiser Jasse -- Authorized Stealth Oracle

The axioms of wisdom:
1. You can't outstubborn a cat
2. You can't conquer the universe without the knowledge of FORTRAN
3. In the Unix realm, 10% of work fixes 90% of the problems

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