UNIX admin wrote:
... unfortunately some interviews with AMD staff
inidcate that there
will be quadcore CPUs from AMD available soon...

And where exactly will you get that motherboard that has 8 CPU sockets,
> to hit the 32-bit CPU number?
Getting even dual socket motherboards for dual core Opterons is
> difficult, let alone boards that have more sockets than that.

Not really.  MSI has the MASTER2-FAR and MASTER2-FAR7 for ATX
formactor machines.  I just bought one for my home machine, and
at $230, the prices are down in the "reasonable" range for home
use.  Tyan has some, Asus has some, Gigabyte has some...

The only system that I know of that had 4 CPU sockets was the V40z,
> which, if I'm not mistaken, isn't being made any more.

Tyan, which is about the only other manufacturer making motherboards
> with more than two Opteron CPUs, as far as I know (and please correct me),
> does not make a motherboard with 8 CPU sockets either.

Supermicro has the H8QC8+ and H8QCE+ as an OEM offering, but I'm sure a
little googling can find you one.  Iwill has the QK8S at the 4 CPU

For an 8-way, try this one on for size.  :)  If anyone wants to send
one to me, I'd love to do some testing...  $40k (with 8x 875's and
64Gig of memory) is a bit outside the envelope of what I can sneak
into my home office without the wifely one having a cow.


Although, I do foresee that systems with 128+ multi core Opterons will
> come, for example a 128 socket 8 core Opterons, totaling 1024
> CPUs in one system. I believe this is inevitable. However, I also
> believe that is still a few years away (say five or so) before
> such product(s) would even be announced.

At that point, the software and processing needs will need to
catch up in order to fill such a beast, otherwise the market
would be extremely limited.  That said, we did have some measure
of success at Sun with the Starfire and Starcat, despite some
folks predicting that the market for servers of that size was
too limited...  :D


And even then, Opterons cost a LOT of money now, assuming one
> wants a dual core model; I can only imagine that the cost of
> such a system will measure in millions of dollars.  So, it won't
> even be something someone will casually need to run and complain
> why the kernel doesn't support more than N CPUs.
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