> You'll have to wait for SXCR 36 to come out.  According to Karyn's
> latest status note, it's on track for 3/31.


> When most people say 'Upgrade' they mean the full upgrade process
> offered by the installation CD/DVD/netinstaller.  There's also
> LiveUpgrade, another supported upgrade method.  BFU is very different
> in that (a) it only upgrades ON content, (b) it's completely
> unsupported by anyone for anything, and (c) it doesn't use (and in
> fact breaks) packaging.

Understood. :)

> If you need support + ZFS, your only option right now is the official
> SX release.  If you need support + ZFS + changes in build 36, you're
> SOL.  Please wait until an official SX based on 36 or later is
> available, or find a vendor willing to support SXCR 36 or SXCR 35 +
> BFU of 36.  I'm sure if you offered your Sun sales rep enough money
> we'd be willing to give you the support contract you want, but it's
> not a standard offering and it's sure not going to be cheap.

I understood that previously. Thank you.

>> supposedly fixed in b36. I have to pick between support or stability at
>> this point until S10U2 is out, and I'm choosing stability. :)
> It's hard to understand what it is you want.  Earlier you said you do
> need support; now you're saying that you don't.  I can't tell whether
> you're a bleeding edger itching to test the lastest stuff, supported
> or not, and help fix ZFS bugs, or a Solaris customer who needs a
> reliable operating system and a reassuring support contract.  So
> instead of trying to understand you, I'll just list your options and
> let you do the choosing.  You might also benefit from reading
> http://www.whacked.net/2005/06/21/confused-so-was-i/.

I want both, I realize I can only have one or the other at this point in
time. I am choosing to go without support until which time I can get a
supported version, because I have too many problems with b33 to use it in
production, and ZFS is a necessary function for what I am trying to do. I
think maybe I wasn't clear enough and you read deeply into my rather
shallow words. ;) I simply intended to say: I'm going to forgo support in
order to use a release of Solaris that has the bugs I am experiencing
fixed. Support is less of a priority to me than the bug fixes. Once there
is a supported version with the newer bug-fixed bits, I will move to it so
I can have support AND less buggy operation. Sorry to have confused you.

> - SX or SXCR + BFU to 36.  Advantages: most recent available ON
> content, including ZFS changes.  BFU is much faster than upgrade.
> Disadvantages: Absolutely no support offerings available, little
> integration testing has been done on this combination, BFU itself is
> unsupported, can't Upgrade after BFUing.

Sounds like BFU is not the way to go for me then, as I'm not intending on
doing development myself. Thank you for clarifying this.

> - SXCR 36 - Advantages: most recent available content from all
> consolidations, including the ZFS changes you're looking for.  Has had
> a small amount of testing, preserves future upgrade path.
> Disadvantages: No support available, won't be out until around 3/31.

Super, 3/31 isn't too far off.

> - SXCR 35 - Just like SXCR 36 except it's available today and doesn't
> have the ZFS changes you want.

No reason to upgrade at this point then, I'll just hold off until I see 36
hit the web.

> - SX 3/06 - Advantages: Support is available, has been through more
> successful testing than SXCR builds.  Disadvantages: doesn't have the
> ZFS work you want, somewhat out of date relative to current builds.

ZFS is broken for me with this release, generating kernel panics multiple
times a day isn't going to work for my needs. I'll just wait for 3/31, I'm
not in that much of a rush. :)

> - S10U1 - Advantages: Fully supported, has been through a full QA
> workup.  Disadvantages: can't be used to build OpenSolaris source,
> doesn't contain ZFS at all.

S10U1 has been incredibly stable for me, I just need ZFS. I am anxiously
awaiting S10U2, SX is simply a stop-gap for me due to a few customers
requesting features we cannot provide at reasonable costs without ZFS. :)
Unfortunately, stability is relatively important, and b33 isn't working
out in this regard (that's why we test!) It sounds like b36 will be
perfect, and I can wait until the 31st for that.

> - Other OpenSolaris-based distributions: Consult vendors for available
> features and support options.

Thank you for clarifying everything for me, I'm quite clear on where
things stand now. Sorry for my miscommunication earlier, I didn't intend
on misleading of confusing you. Best wishes, and thank you again!


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