On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 02:09:11PM -0800, Alan Maguire wrote:

> The Quagga project
> (https://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/networking/quagga-design.pdf)
> involves integration of the open source Quagga routing protocol
> suite (http://www.quagga.net) as is into the SFW consolidation (aka
> the "Companion CD") and update routing management to support SMF.

No, *NOT* 'aka the "Companion CD"'.  SFW and the Companion are
completely separate entities.  SFW delivers packages to the WOS; the
Companion is a separate, entirely optional and unsupported, product.

Which do you mean here?  It sounds like SFW or ON would be appropriate
if you intend to integrate Quagga into the system's routing
management.  SFW makes sense if (a) it's expected that OpenSolaris
contributors will expected to integrate any non-porting changes to
Quagga upstream rather than in OpenSolaris, and (b) you are committed
to keeping it up to date with respect to the updateam releases, and
(c) updating the software if it were integrated into ON is deemed an
intractable problem.  SFW is not appropriate for a one-time
integration of externally-derived software solely or primarily for the
purpose of avoiding the cost of integrating into ON (or, specifically,
dodging ON code-quality rules).

The Companion would not be an appropriate target for any software on
which any consolidation may have dependencies.  Based on your outline
of this project, you should not deliver to the Companion.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
Solaris Kernel Team             "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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