Joerg Schilling writes:
> I have a re-implementation in my libschily
>  *    WARNING: a NULL constant is not a NULL pointer, so a caller must
>  *            cast a NULL constant to a pointer: (char *)NULL

How's that?

> strcatl(char *to, ...)

Sigh ... not safe from target overflow problems.  It hasn't learned
the lessons of strcpy(3C) and gets(3C).  I'd recommend at least fixing

   strcatl(char *to, size_t tolen, ...)

but, then, that calls the return value into question.  The return
value probably shouldn't be a pointer to the "last" char if a bounded
output array is supplied because it then becomes impossible for the
caller to detect overflow.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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