Hi All,

I was wondering if people still use Sun's csh.
I began to work on a bug found in the bug database about csh ( 
http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4635088 ).
After I have fixed it, I thought maybe I could fix some other csh bugs since I 
was inside its code.
I then asked the bug database search engine to retrieve csh related bugs (only 
those with state=open), and it found .... 1403 entries !
Of course not all are csh related, since if the bug report contains the word 
csh, it appears even if the problem is not about csh.
I had a look at many of these bug reports about csh. Some seem to be really 
anoying, some show csh has strong limitations (compared to other shells), some 
are very old ...

So, is there still a large number of people using it and does it worth to work 
on csh bugs or have people switched to another shell ?


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